There is a time and place for everything. But for Chitradeep, all times were good times to crack a joke. Not necessarily he had to speak, to make people laugh. Sometimes he would just have to make a face and everybody around him would start rolling on the ground with laughter. Even his cherubic body features added the fine touch to it. One thing everybody liked about him was that, he did not fear anybody. Most of the people thought that it was due to his close friendship with the tribal prince Tamluk. Both of them were born on the same date and time. They have been inseparable from childhood.
In their childhood, they would play the popular game of Rajah – mantri. Tamluk would sit on a rock with Chitradeep on his left hand side sitting on an earthen mound. Other kids would play the part as his ministers or subjects. They would imitate the court of Tamluk’s father. And each time Tamluk would ask Chitradeep what should be done with the accused? The punishments to the accused would be like climb a banyan tree, roll three times on the ground and bark like a dog, etc.
But there was a sad part to Chitradeep’s life. He had lost his mother in a fire when he was just a toddler. His mother had given her life while saving him from the fire when his father was out in the forest hunting. Since then, Tamluk’s mother had taken it upon herself to raise Chitradeep like her own son.
Chitradeep’s father, Nanimadhab, was the commander of the tribal army. He had not been able to forgive himself for not being able to save his wife. So he could not say anything to Chitradeep, even when he wanted to, of learning the ways of warfare. But instead he trained Tamluk in whatever knowledge of warfare he knew.
Instead of pondering too much on his bad plight, he turned himself into a comic personality. He hated doing any physical work. But he had always been enticed by knowledge and wisdom. He would secretly hide and listen to the judgements given by the tribal chief, Tamluk’s father, in the tribal court. He studied with the Chantai (temple priest) about all the scriptures deeply. He would always accompany Tijil to the 14 God’s temple and visit the Chantai there. He would also accompany Tijil to Matarbari, the ancient Mother Goddess’s temple. There he learned how to meditate and learned the hidden knowledge of the scriptures from the sadhus.
“Dear Maharaj, kindly accept me as your disciple” he requested Shri Dayanand Giri – Guru of Tijil – who was a very kind sadhu. Chitradeep was accepted and soon started to learn how to meditate and learn further about the scriptures and other hidden knowledge. He lived under the guidance of his Guru for five years.
When he had reached the age of 16, his guru called him and all the other disciples ,one day into his hut and told “Dear sons, I have given you knowledge. My work here is done. I am going to the Himalayas for sadhana. Tijil will continue my work here in this Ashram.”
And to Chitradeep, “Now, your fate requires you to go to your village. In due course, when your duty in this world is done, you shall come back to me. “
“But when shall it be revered guru? And how shall I know that the time has come? I do not want to leave your feet. Take me with you to the Himalayas.”
“Ha Ha. You are my dearest disciple. Do not be sad.” With his eyes towards the heavens and a mystifying smile on his face, the revered guru said, “I shall leave this place now. When the time has come, I shall come myself to take you along with me to the Himalayas. But now you must go back to your village. Remember what I have taught you and always wear this Rudraksha mala around your neck. I am always there with you.”
Chitradeep was sad and happy at the same time. He had to be away from his guru who he loved with his whole heart. Also he was happy because he could see his people in the village after such a long time. Especially he would again see Tamluk.
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